We will provide every child with an excellent education, in every classroom, every day.
Firth Park Academy has an exceptionally well-qualified, talented, experienced and enthusiastic team of staff. We are a mission led organisation and our mission is;
We will provide every child with an excellent education, in every classroom every day.
I am delighted to welcome you to our website and to Firth Park Academy.
Our website provides an invaluable window into our school - what we are about and what we are working hard to achieve as a community.
As Principal, I am absolutely dedicated to ensuring the very best education for every single one of our children. We will be working to provide a rich, enjoyable and meaningful curriculum for all students delivered in a supportive, disciplined and rewarding school environment where all can flourish.
I am committed to working in close collaboration and partnership with all in our community. We are stronger when we work together and by doing so can provide an even better and more fulfilling school experience for all.
At Lift Schools and Firth Park Academy we live and teach by 6 values:
Worldwide: We are cultivating the citizens of tomorrow and developing well rounded individuals.
Culture: We care about the fundamentals of learning and want learning to be fun and joyous.
Excellence is a habit: We believe that high expectations lead to children being successful and performing to a high standard.
Aim High: We don’t make excuses for our pupils, our teachers or our leaders – and we don’t want them to make excuses for themselves.
Individuals matter: All pupils, no matter their background, beliefs or identity are equal members of our community.
Community and family: We put people at the heart of everything we do.
These maxims encapsulate our work as a school. I will work with every ounce of energy and passion I have to deliver the best for our young people and I am looking forward to working in partnership to achieve that.
At the heart of everything we will look to do is to create a supportive and ambitious learning environment for all, irrespective of background, ability or circumstances, where every opportunity is taken, each person’s talent is developed and where the potential of every child is nurtured and fulfilled.
Thank you.
N.J. Whittle
Our academy is part of Lift Schools.
Lift Schools is a national family of schools dedicated to education that inspires all the young people in our care to choose to lead a remarkable life. It is our deeply held belief that every child has something remarkable to offer and we see it as our duty to help each and every child find this within themselves.
Inspiring each child to choose a remarkable life is the golden thread that binds us all together - the reason that despite our very different paths to Lift schools, we are all part of one family.
Everything we do, every decision we make and the way in which we behave is focused on achieving that end goal and underpinned by our values.