Advice for Parents
The Internet
Children access the Internet on computers, mobile phones, games consoles and music systems. They play games online with friends and strangers. They blog, chat, enter competitions, social network, email, watch TV online, download and upload information. They are creative at making music, making films and making web content.
Staying Safe
You can make a huge difference if you talk to your child about how they use digital technologies, let them know you are there to guide them and pass on essential safety advice. Here are some do’s and don’ts:
Do keep your computer in a place where everyone can use it.
Do go online with your child so you can see what they are doing on the internet.
Do remind them that everyone they meet online is a stranger even though they might seem like a friend.
Do encourage your child never to meet up with someone they make friends with online. If they do then make sure they take along an adult you trust and to meet in a public place.
Do explain that they shouldn’t accept emails or open files from people they don’t know. They may contain viruses, nasty messages or annoying links to things you don’t want them to see.
Do be aware that your child may as likely be a cyberbully as be a target of cyberbullying. Be alert to your child seeming upset after using the internet or their mobile phone.
Do talk to your child so they know they can come to you if they run into any problems. Your continued involvement is the best way of keeping your child safe.
Do make clear what content and behaviour is acceptable and check that sites are age appropriate.
Do give your child the knowledge and skills to build up resilience to the things they find online, help them to play and learn safely.
Do consider using filtering software and agree to ground rules about what services you are happy for your child to use.
Do know how to complain.
Don’t allow them to give out personal information. That means full name, home or school address, telephone number or personal email or mobile number.
Don’t allow your child to access inappropriate sites.
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