Safeguarding Contact
Safeguarding team
Phone: 01142576238
The role of the safeguarding team
Below are just some of the areas in which the team can help but if you have any issues regarding your own safety, your child's safety or a friend's safety then please speak to Mrs Hussain.
To act as the key worker in giving advice to staff and students on any safeguarding issues,
To liaise with parent / carers and external agencies and complete the appropriate referrals to Safeguarding Services.
To work closely with professionals from the Children’s Social Care Services, other statutory services, such as Health and Police.
To maintain confidential, detailed, accurate records of all incidents of Safeguarding Concerns and Cases identified within Children’s Social Care Services
To gather and collate information in order to write comprehensive reports and complete appropriate referrals.
To establish and maintain an up to date knowledge base to include statutory requirements, policies and procedures.
To develop an up to date directory of local statutory and voluntary sector services to enable signposting to access guidance and support.
To record all incidents of concern and maintain a data base of Students who may be at risk.
To take a leading role within the Student Development and Inclusion/Special Needs Teams for Safeguarding / Emotional, Behavioural and Social concerns and to work closely with colleagues to ensure early identification and intervention support to meet the needs of all the Academy’s students
To make an active contribution to the work of the Student Development Team – Student Support Leaders, Directors of Learning, Attendance Officer, Behaviour Mentors; positive collaboration, sharing information, monitoring and reviewing systems to ensure good practice and effective support.
To work directly with the Students and their Families in the community, showing confidentiality and sensitivity, to establish strong partnerships and effective dialogue in promoting a multi agency approach for the safety and well being of our children and young people.
To support our Students and their Families when working within the Children’s Social Care framework and taking a supportive role in helping them access identified support services.
To develop inter agency links and partnerships within the voluntary sector to be able to signpost Students and their Families to appropriate services and to utilise all available resources to help meet their needs.
To offer 1-1 support / mentoring to students within safeguarding procedures
To facilitate and support 1-1 and group sessions offered to students by statutory / voluntary agencies
To comply with all Safeguarding guidance and Academy Health and Safety procedures to ensure personal safety and the safety of others at all times.