Dance KS4
What are my option in performing art at Firth Park Academy?
At key stage 4 pupils can either choose Performing Arts Dance OR Drama as 1 of their options.
What is RSL Certificate in Creative and Performing Arts?
RSL courses are vocational, this means it is more true to real life!
A vocational course will provide you with the skills you need to continue this subject into the real world after school.
RSL course is not easier than a GCSE! In fact it is the equivalent to, and at the same level of one GCSE!
RSL’S are recognised and valued by colleges, Universities and employer
THERE IS ONE OPTIONAL UNIT TO COMPLETE AND IS CHOSEN BY THE TEACHER (it is internally Assessed) 50% of final grade
The dance units tought
Dance technique and performance
Ensemble Dance performance
Global Dance styles
This unit is externally marked by the exam board.
Students work in small groups.
The exam board provides a BRIEF with a scenario and a stimulus on which students must:
Perform a Dance routine: 2-6 minutes in duration
The total time allowed for this assignment is 30 hours. Controlled Assessment Time
Task 1 – Planning for your live performance
You will research and plan ideas based on he given stimulus
Task 2 – The Performance
The performance must respond appropriately to the given stimulus and communicate your ideas clearly to a target audience of your choice.
Task 3 – Evaluation
Finally students evaluate their creative process, based on strengths and areas of improvement.
Important Docs