At Firth Park Academy, our English department is motivated and driven to help your child succeed.
Through a stimulating, exciting and high calibre curriculum, the teachers within our department strive to provide a scintillating series of lessons that encourage a love of learning. Our curriculum is one of the most diverse in the city, covering not just English authors but writers from Russia, America, Nigeria and Slovakia among others. We are keen to share and celebrate the extraordinary diversity of the Firth Park cohort to ensure plentiful opportunities for pupils to share and celebrate their voices across contexts. We push pupils to engage with a range of challenging and high quality texts usually studied at A-Level: Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby and poems from other cultures. The determination and hard work of the teachers within our department has led to English results improving year on year and they are only set to get stronger.
Reading and the Library at Firth Park Academy
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) plays a central role in maximising students’ potential in their Firth Park Academy journey. Through the development of independent learning and critical thinking, students are expected to read with skill and volition. Please see the Reading section of our website for more information.
For more information about our LRC please have a look at our Reading Webpage here - LRC
What does good work look like in English at Firth Park Academy?
In English lessons, we write in blue or black pen. The teachers mark the work in red pen and may highlight any spelling mistakes in yellow highlighter. Students then respond and improve their work in green pen.
Have a look at these great examples!
Here, you can see the pupils’ original work in black pen. Then, the teacher marked it in red pen and offered EBI targets (Even Better If…)
The pupil on the left has improved their work in green pen which has then been checked by the teacher.
On the right, you can see an example of success criteria which are used to help support students with longer pieces of writing - it's like an ingredients list to show the pupils what they need to include
Above you can see two pieces of remarkable Year 10 work that have been re-drafted in green pen