KS3 Overview
At KS3 (Year 7, 8, and 9) we have chosen to teach thematic units which incorporate a range of text types and written tasks around a central theme or idea. This means students are exposed to poetry, prose, non-fiction and writing tasks throughout the year to ensure skills are embedded and mastered. We aim to give our students experience of a wide range of texts from different time periods, cultural backgrounds and genres. As we are a diverse academy we aim to create a diverse curriculum and as such ensure our students encounter both familiar and unfamiliar experiences, lifestyles and cultures in their texts.
Additionally we aim to increase the cultural capital of our students through exposure to different aspects of society and moments in history, covering a range of themes such as ‘Class Conflict’, ‘Struggle and Progress’, ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘Arrivals’ and ‘Identity and Relationships.’ We study a range of Shakespeare texts through an introductory module in Y7 to ‘Violent Shakespeare’ in Y9 where students will encounter texts such as Titus Andronicus and King Lear.
Key Resources
Seneca is a revision and homework website used by teachers in all year groups. Your child will be able to access this through their school email address when they start at the academy.
BBC Bitesize is amazing for helpful revision videos and information for skills and texts for Year 7 to Year 9.
Renaissance is a place for our Year 7 and Year 8 to do quizzes on their Accelerated Reader books. Their scores are gathered and pupils can see their progress over the course of the year.