KS4 Overview

By the end of KS4 we hope that students are able to recognise patterns in data, give cause and effect for a variety of physical and human processes, make reasoned judgements and show competence in the 6 skills of enquiry. Also transfer these skills into unfamiliar contexts and situations. Also by the end of the 5 year learning journey we aim for students to have been enthused by the world around them, with a desire to continue to learn about their environment into adulthood. Students should be able to communicate effectively through both the written and spoken word so they are able to experience academic success and lead remarkable, fulfilling lives.


Key Resources

BBC Bitesize

Time for Geography 

Study Wise

The school provides revision guides at a discounted rate (£2.50 per book, compared to £8.50 RRP). These have proved hugely beneficial for GCSE students in the past