KS4 Overview

Hospitality and Catering gives students a wide range of skills, allowing the opportunity for students to develop their knowledge through written work as well as practical demonstrations.

Year 10 -

Learners develop their knowledge of the industry through completion of Unit 1 The Hospitality and Catering in industry.  They will also develop a wide range of high level practical skills looking at bread, pastry, cakes, desserts, pasta dishes, working with meat and poultry and sauces.  These can be applied to the coursework for Unit 2.  learners will sit the external exam in June.  Upon completion of this learners begin to study a mock version of unit 2, Hospitality and Catering in action.

Year 11 -

Learners will complete a mock version of  unit 2, Hospitality and Catering in action, which is a coursework based activity.  They will produce both written and practical work for this.  Using detailed and personalised feedback pupils will complete the final coursework task under exam conditions.  Learner will then revise Unit 1 The Hospitality and Catering in industry in order to resit the external exam if necessary.

What will I study?

Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering industry  (external exam - 40%)

Learners acquire knowledge of all aspects of the industry and will be able to propose new hospitality and catering provision for specific locations. Learners will be able to use their learning of different types of establishment and job roles to determine the best option. They will then apply their learning in relation to front of house and kitchen operations to determine how the proposed hospitality and catering provision will operate efficiently, legally and financially viable whilst meeting the needs of their potential market. 

This unit provides a broad introduction to the vocational sector in a way that is purposeful and develops a range of transferable skills.

Unit 2: Hospitality and Catering in action  (coursework - 60%)

Learners apply their learning to safely prepare, cook and present nutritional dishes. They will draw on their learning of different types of provision and kitchen and front of house operations in Unit 1, as well as personal safety in their preparations. The content is relevant not only to employees within food production, but also those with a responsibility for food safety in the industry, nutritionists and managers and owners. This extends the learners appreciation of the whole vocational area beyond the kitchen environment.

What will my assessments look like?

Qualification name: Level 1/2 Hospitality and Catering

Exam board - Eduqas

Controlled Assessment and Exam Paper summary: 1 Controlled assessment task worth 60% and 1 external written paper worth 40%

Key Resources 

Food a Fact of Life

Food & Safety

Revise My Notes

BBC Bitesize