KS4 Music Overview

Students will complete 2 coursework units during year 10 and an externally assessed controlled assessment in year 11.

The coursework units will cover the following areas:

201ta - Musical Knowledge Development - Music and Music Technology

Students will learn about the history and origins of influential music genres and use this to research 2 genres of their choice to produce an article for a music magazine. They will cover origins, significant songs and artists and imagery/fashion linked to their chosen genres.

Students will also analyse the musical elements associated with a song of their choice. They will cover features such as lyrical content, tonality, tempo, instrumentation and production techniques through their analysis.

204ta - Instrumental Study - Music

Students will learn how to properly maintain their instrument and have knowledge of the health and safety risks surrounding performing live. They will then set themselves targets for their instrumental study which will be worked on during 1:1 peripatetic lessons and evlatuate their progress made.

External Units:

The external units are explained below:

For both Music and Music Technology, the externally assessed module happens between January - March of year 11. The brief is given at the start and students have 30 hours to complete this task (spread out during lesson times).

For Music, a performance is planned, combining planning of appropriate repertoire, health and safety aspects and audience expectations. This finishes in a live performance in front of an audience both solo and ensemble on their chosen instrument.

KS4 Music Technology Overview

Students will complete 2 coursework units during year 10 and an externally assessed controlled assessment in year 11.

The coursework units will cover the following areas:

201ta - Musical Knowledge Development - Music and Music Technology

Students will learn about the history and origins of influential music genres and use this to research 2 genres of their choice to produce an article for a music magazine. They will cover origins, significant songs and artists and imagery/fashion linked to their chosen genres.

Students will also analyse the musical elements associated with a song of their choice. They will cover features such as lyrical content, tonality, tempo, instrumentation and production techniques through their analysis.

207ta - Using a DAW - Music Technology

Students will learn about the hardware and software features associated with their chosen DAW (Reason). They will then input musical data using a MIDI device into Reason, developing their keyboard and editing skills. This process will then be evaluated and strengths and weaknesses highlighted.

For Music Technology, a composition is written, planning, writing and evaluating to the given brief. This composition needs to show the student’s understanding of specific DAW techniques as well as song-writing ability. 

Key Resources

Music Practitioners