
At Firth Park Academy, our Physical Education department is motivated and driven to deliver A high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all students to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We provide opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. The department are also focused on developing opportunities to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. 

The key skills learnt throughout the programme of study equips students with lifelong transferable employability skills. These include: 

In addition to our core PE programme pupils can choose to extend their knowledge and understanding further by choosing to study Cambridge National Sports Studies at Key Stage 4. This course allows them opportunities to develop their knowledge through written assignments, practical demonstrations as well as an external exam. This course caters for students of all abilities covering grades from Level 2 Distinction * to Level 1 Pass. The course hopes to inspire and enthuse learners to consider a career in a sport and physical activity e.g. coaching and instructing, as well as equipping them with many skills which can be used later in life. Sport Studies encourages students to be good at self management especially with meeting coursework deadlines, helps them to reflect on their own work and as well as this, it will help them develop their communication and teamwork skills.

The Curriculum 

Copy of Physical Education Curriculum Area Expectations (2024-25)
Copy of PE 5 year curriculum learning journey & Year Group Content

KS3 - 7/8/9

KS4 - 10/11

Please contact the Director for learning for Physical Education (Matt Smith) if you have any questions via msmith1@firthparkacademy.org.uk