Subject introduction/overview:

Aims and ethos of our PSHE curriculum

PSHE at Firth Park Academy:

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) at Firth Park Academy:

Relationships Sex and Health Education is “The lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.  It is also about the teaching of...sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity – this would be inappropriate teaching”.   (Sex and Relationship Education Guidance DfEE, March 2000)

Why do we teach PSHE?

Research shows that…

Why do we teach RSHE?

Research shows RSHE contributes to:

Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. (Statutory Guidance)

Key headlines from the RSHE

For more information please contact - Miss Ahmed via email at -

Parent and Carer involvement:

We believe that parents and carers welcome a partnership between home and schools which supports their children’s personal and social development, and help deal with issues of increasing complexity such as those related to mental health and staying safe, both online and offline.

The role of parents and carers in the development of their children’s understanding about relationships is vital.

In Secondary Education from January 2021 the statutory guidance states:

How can I support at home?

CORE PSHE overview (Y7-11)

What a PSHE/RSE lesson looks like:

Ground rules are established within each class at the start of each year before having open discussions within these lessons

KS4 overview and assessment information:


GCSE Citizenship - Edexcel - link to the specification

Paper 1 Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification 80 marks Assessment overview 

Section A Questions are focused on specification Theme A: Living together in the UK. 

Section B Questions are focused on specification Theme B: Democracy at work in the UK. Section C Questions are focused on specification Theme C: Law and justice. 

Section D Extended-response questions related to two or more of specification Themes A–C.

Paper 2 Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification 80 marks Assessment overview 

Section A Questions relate to the students’ own citizenship action, as specified in specification Theme E: Taking citizenship action. 

Section B Questions require students to comment on others’ actions and relate to specification Theme D: Power and influence. 

Section C Questions are focused on specification Theme D: Power and influence. 

One question will also link to content in one of Themes A–C.

GCSE Religious Studies - Link to specification

Outline of the structure of the course including 2 examinations at the end:

PSHE Curriculum Journey

PSHE 5 year curriculum learning journey

Religious Education Curriculum Journey


Citizenship Curriculum Journey

CZ 5 year curriculum learning journey
Copy of PSHE Curriculum Area Expectations ('24/'25)