KS4 Overview

Trilogy is a double award and worth two GCSEs

Science follows the Trilogy AQA Scheme of Learning where topics follow on from each other and  are broken up to show the number of lessons as well as opportunities to develop practical and investigative skills. The twenty one required practicals (seven per discipline) are built into the scheme of work and form an integral part of lessons. The required practicals are worth 16.7% of the total marks.

There are six exams in total - two per discipline - each paper worth 70 marks- one hour and fifteen minutes each. Students will sit either the Higher tier or Foundation tier - and the same tier for all disciplines.

KS3 and KS4 mapping is completed before the end of the previous academic year to reflect all centrally academy  assessments and trial exams,  as well as expectations for curriculum coverage.  The topics are planned to reflect the AQA scheme of work and build on from each other.

Science - What we study

Triple Science

Separate Sciences (Triple)

We are exceptionally proud that we can now offer students the opportunity to study the three science disciplines as separate subjects, and are awarded three GCSE grades. A mixture of foundation and higher tiers can be taken for this pathway. This option requires pupils to choose science as their option subject and would suit pupils that want to pursue a career in science.

Topics for Triple Science are the same as Combined with a few additional units added on for each discipline. There are also additional required practicals.

The exams are linear, and consist of two papers per discipline, 100 marks each - exams lasting for one hour and forty five minutes.