Children in Care (CLA)

What is a ‘child in care?’

A child who is being looked after by their local authority is known as a child in care. They might be living: 

They might have been placed in care voluntarily by parents struggling to cope. Or, children's services may have intervened because a child was at significant risk of harm. 

Virtual schools for looked after children in Sheffield

The Virtual School (VS) is responsible for ensuring high education outcomes for all of Sheffield’s LAC, regardless of where they live. The team has a Virtual Headteacher who has statutory responsibilities outlined by the Department for Education (DFE). The VS team works with the child/young person and a wide range of professionals including social workers, foster carers, designated teachers and Independent Reviewing Officers to ensure the all Sheffield CLA achieve their full potential. You can find out more about VS on the Sheffield City Council website

LAC Staff in Firth Park Academy

Liz Cartledge, Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Rachel Southorn, Looked After Children Coordinator.

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