Remarkable Rewards Strategy

Firth Park Academy  has developed a reward system which is underpinned by the key drivers on which we build our Academy.  We encourage all students to find their remarkable. The reward system allows the opportunity for all students to be recognised for their contribution and effort within lessons and across the Academy.  

We empower students to push their limits; be big-hearted; discover what's possible and be unusually brave in all they achieve in their journey at Firth Park Academy.

Rewards Website 1.pdf

Our inclusive rewards strategy is an effective way in which  we celebrate student achievement and positive student behaviour. The use of rewards within the classroom are a form of extrinsic motivation for students, encouraging them to participate cooperatively in academic and social learning experiences . 

We recognise that these rewards systems should be consistent and fair, providing students with motivation and encouragement and ensuring that we  implement an envolving reward system that is based on upholding the ethos and values of Firth Park Academy.

Reward Tarrif Website.pdf

PD Stamps

Stamps  in planners are  awarded consistently to all pupils in the classroom and around the Academy. 

Rewards Cover.pdf

Remarkable Rewards

ATL Rewards

Gold Lead Learner badges are awarded to students every half term if they meet or exceed the following criteria: 98% or above attendance and punctuality with 75% outstanding ATL grades and 25% good on termly Progress Reports

Silver Lead Learner badges are awarded to students every half term if they meet or exceed the following criteria: 96-97.9% attendance and punctuality with 100% good ATL grades  on termly Progress Reports

Extra Curricular Club Rewards 

All pupils who participate in extra curricular clubs are awarded Children's University credits (CU) 

Pupils are awarded a sports badge for attending a sports club every half term

Rewards Pyramid Website.pdf

Rewards Pyramid

Our Positive Discipline Model promotes competition, and positivity in the classroom and around the Academy

Assembly Rewards 2019.pdf

Attendance Rewards