Keeping You Informed

We aim to keep parents up to date with news and events. We do this by:

Updating our website 

Keeping our noticeboards current and up to date

Using a text messaging service

Producing half termly newsletters

Sending out letters and information – copies of all letters can be found in the Parent Letters Section of our website or you can request a paper copy from the school office.

Free public transport

All children between 5 and 16 qualify for free school transport if they go to their nearest available publicly funded school in Sheffield and live at least:

If you get the maximum Working Tax Credit or your children are entitled to Free School Meals, they'll get free school transport if they're:


To apply for a Childrens Travel Pass follow the link here

Parent View

To view the Ofsted Parent View page click here

Parent Mail

From September 2020 Firth Park Academy will operate a 'cashless' system and will move to ParentMail. We will no longer accept cash payments in school.

ParentMail, is the fastest-growing online payments system in the UK. It’s trusted by thousands of schools throughout the country to manage and collect payments from millions of parents. +Pay makes collecting money for everyday items like school meals, trips, activities and uniforms easy, and the need for children to bring cash into school a thing of the past. 

To register or log in to  ParentMail please click here.  Please also see the instruction video below which demonstrates the registration process.