Keeping You Informed
We aim to keep parents up to date with news and events. We do this by:
Updating our website
Keeping our noticeboards current and up to date
Using a text messaging service
Producing half termly newsletters
Sending out letters and information – copies of all letters can be found in the Parent Letters Section of our website or you can request a paper copy from the school office.
Free public transport
All children between 5 and 16 qualify for free school transport if they go to their nearest available publicly funded school in Sheffield and live at least:
2 miles or more, if they're 5 to 8 years old
3 miles or more if they're 8 to 16 years old
If you get the maximum Working Tax Credit or your children are entitled to Free School Meals, they'll get free school transport if they're:
aged 8 to 11 and travel 2 miles or more to their nearest available school
aged 11 to 16 and travel between 2 and 6 miles to their school, (as long as there are not 3 or more nearer available schools)
aged 11 to 16 and travel betwen 2 and 15 miles to their nearest available school if the parent chose the school on the grounds of religion, belief or preference
the child has Special Education Needs (SEN)
the child has an Education, Healthcare and Care plan (EHC)
the child is in foster care
To apply for a Childrens Travel Pass follow the link here
Parent View
To view the Ofsted Parent View page click here
Parent Mail
From September 2020 Firth Park Academy will operate a 'cashless' system and will move to ParentMail. We will no longer accept cash payments in school.
ParentMail, is the fastest-growing online payments system in the UK. It’s trusted by thousands of schools throughout the country to manage and collect payments from millions of parents. +Pay makes collecting money for everyday items like school meals, trips, activities and uniforms easy, and the need for children to bring cash into school a thing of the past.
To register or log in to ParentMail please click here. Please also see the instruction video below which demonstrates the registration process.