Working Together to Improve Attendance and Punctuality:

At Firth Park Academy, we believe in teamwork! Building strong partnerships between home and school is crucial for your child's success. Together, we can create a thriving learning environment where everyone reaches their full potential.  If there are barriers to regular attendance or consistent punctuality, then we want to listen, understand and support students and their families.

What you should expect from us:

What we expect from parents/guardians:

What we expect from students:

In addition, we work closely with Sheffield City Council’s Inclusion and Attendance Team to ensure we have left no stone unturned for students and families struggling with attendance and punctuality.  We aim to explore any and all barriers that affect a child’s access to education.  That may include working with partners in Education, Health and Social Care to ensure that children's safety and rights are protected.

Attendance Matters Pathway at Firth Park Academy