Bereavement support for our
Firth Park Academy families
If you have experienced a bereavement we are deeply sorry for your loss and want to to our best to support all our Firth Park Academy families at difficult times like this. If your family would like support please feel free to contact the school so that we can to help in any way we can: or 0114 2567 62381.
Please see signposted below, a variety of support that is available online.
Resources to support a child or young person with bereavement
Building resilience in bereaved children
Children’s understanding of death at different ages
How children and young people grieve
My dad and me blank memory book
Supporting bereaved children and young people with additional needs through grief
Supporting bereaved children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Supporting bereaved children under 5 years of age
What helps grieving children and young people
When a grandparent dies: the impact on children and young people
When Someone Special Dies For Children Aged 7 to 11
When Someone Special Dies For Young People
When Someone Special Dies For Children Under 7